
Interesting reads

June 2023

Brain-scans and advanced meditation with Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche Tibetan Monk. Center of Healthyminds - University of Wisconsin-Madison March 18, 2020

May 2023

How Meditation Changes The Brain Medically reviewed by Nicole Washington, DO, MPH — By Lela Moore — Updated on June 3, 2021

April 2023

Wújí-state - by Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming 30th July 2008


What is Reiki? written by Keziah Gibbons including meditation reiki - March 2023


The science behind meditation - the secrets of mindfullness 4th April 2023

March 2023

It's not just me singing about the benefits, take a look by reading the following articles


The life changing benefits of meditation 4th April 2023


The benefits of meditation written by Erin Heger 18th May 2020


12 benefits of meditation Written by Matthew Thorpe MD PhD and Rachel Link MS RD -Medically reviewed by Marney A White PhD MS — Updated on October 27, 2020


7 ways meditation can actually change the brain written by Alice G Walton 9th February 2015

February 2023

Satori's aim

To bring like minded people together to learn and practice meditation in a healthy and stable environment. Developing awareness of self, wellbeing and learn techniques in order to build routine and bring an equilibrium into daily life. 

You can follow Satori and find all videos @ Instagram, Facebook and YouTube